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The vata response to stress

Vata types are quick thinking, enthusiastic, creative, and bursting with ideas. They are naturally more susceptible to stress due to an increase in this dosha, which will show itself through fear, anxiety, panic, insomnia, feelings of isolation and a loss of appetite. If this is your dominant dosha, its likely you are susceptible and sensitive to changes in life which can make you feel anxious or panicked. Other vata responses to stress include being easily startled, such as by a loud noise, being unable to relax and heart palpitations.

So how do we balance vata?

You can balance vata’s cold, light, subtle and erratic qualities by increasing the opposite qualities - more warmth, stillness and grounding. This type does well to keep warm, rested and feeling safe. If you are feeling insecure and fearful, try thinking of situations that make you feel safe and secure. It’s important to remember that emotions are not facts so use your intelligence to measure the quality and accuracy of your thoughts. Are they a valid response, a misperception or an over-reaction?

A good daily routine is also key in balancing vata dosha and helping avoid a build-up of stress.  Try to manage your diary so you have some mindful or meditative time each day, sitting still and breathing deeply is ideal. It doesn’t need to be for half an hour - just one minute can have an effect. Eating at regular times also helps this type feel calm and grounded.

A soothing massage with warm oils is a key antidote to stress for vata types. Finally, going to bed at the same time can also help things on an even keel, preferably around 10pm.

Pukka teas and supplements to try:

  • To calm, strengthen and nourish the nervous system, try Wholistic™ Ashwagandha: This herb is the ultimate adaptogen, which builds and restores weakened adrenal glands, whilst also supporting restful sleep. This herb is excellent for all three dosha, but particularly 

    vata types.

  • If the digestion becomes aggravated by stress, try Wholistic™ Triphala

  • Partner these with Pukka teas to soothe and calm this dosha such as: 

    WomankindThree LicoriceThree ChamomileLoveRelaxNight Time and Tulsi Clarity.

If you don't already know what your dosha is, you can find out by taking our short dosha quiz.

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