What does organic mean and why choose it?
What does organic mean?
Organic farming is a way of producing healthy crops whilst caring for the land and the environment in which they grow. It relies on looking after the soil and therefore not only maintains a healthy ecosystem, but also captures carbon. It sustains and encourages the wildlife and the insects that support our living world. It produces food without harmful chemicals that negatively affect us and our planet.
At its heart, organic means working with nature, not against it.

Every product Pukka makes is organic certified and always has been
Every beautiful tea and supplement we make contains only the finest organic ingredients. This helps us ensure that the many tonnes of organic herbs we use from the hundreds of acres of land where they grow are having a positive effect on the world. Evidence shows that organic farming:
Can help mitigate climate change*
Respects nature and increases biodiversity
Does not contain genetically modified organisms or artificial pesticides**
Builds and maintains a healthy soil that can capture more carbon

* If Europe's farmland all followed organic principles, agricultural emissions could drop by 40-50% by 2050, with plenty to feed the growing populations healthy diets (Soil Association, 2020)
** In organic farming, all weed killers are banned. A very limtied number of naturally occuring fungicides and insecticides are permitted but their use is severely restricted (Soil Association, 2020)
Regenerative organic agriculture
When we say best practice organic we are referring to a way of farming that employs the best techniques to protect and build our soil, increase biodiversity and to grow sustainable, resilient farm systems.

Why is organic food and farming important?
In the face of climate change, rising diet-related ill-health and widespread declines in our wildlife, the need to produce healthy food, cut greenhouse gas emissions and protect wildlife grows more acute by the year. The buying decisions we make are a simple but powerful form of action. That is why all our products are certified organic - a guarantee that when you buy Pukka you are making a positive difference to people, plants and planet.
Pukka and the Soil Association
We know organic farming works. Everything we do – from the fields where our herbs are grown to the cotton organic string we use on our tea bags – employs organic farming techniques.
This means that all our ingredients are certified to EU organic standards and are traceable back to their origin – not only giving you the reassurance that you are getting the very best quality, but also connecting you – through us – with the growers and the farms on which the plants are grown.
As a result of this passion and drive, we’ve committed to organic certification from Soil Association Certification, the UK’s first and leading organic certifier.
We also work with the Soil Association charity, which works with communities and businesses to change the way we farm, eat and think about food to radically transform the impact it has on our planet.
Working together to support nature
Ultimately, the more people who switch to organic, the greater the positive impact it will have on the planet and our lives. As the great Mahatma Gandhi once said, “Be the change you want to see in the world”. And that is what we are doing at Pukka.

Author: Marin Anastasov
Head of Procurement
Marin Anastasov grew up in Bulgaria, where he was involved in sustainable herb collection and wild resources management. He studied agriculture and subsequently completed MSc in Organic farming at Aberdeen University. Marin joined Pukka Herbs as Sourcing manager and has since led the development of the value chain, balancing the demands of rapid business growth, ethical trade and environmental conservation.
Years of experience:
25 years in organic food and farming
Professional registrations:
Marin is a Master Beekeeper and holds the National Diploma in Beekeeping, which is the highest beekeeping qualification awarded in the UK. He has active involvement in British Beekeepers Association and runs training courses for furthering the craft of beekeeping.
Marin has two MSc. One in Food Science and Technology and another one in Organic Framing. They both support his work at Pukka when it comes to compliance to standards, farming, cultivation and sourcing of our herbs, as well as herb processing and tea manufacture.