Day-to-Night Collection | Your Daily Toolbox of Herbal Supports
Throughout each and every day, our body needs different support at different times. From gradually waking up into ourselves, to supporting digestion after a meal, to an afternoon mental pick-me-up, to a peaceful calm down from a stressful meeting - you never know what the day will bring.
Herbal tea is something you can enjoy all day, any time of day or night for so many needs. Herbs work best when used consistently, day after day! The lovely part of maintaining a collection of herbal teas at home is that you have an on-demand toolbox of support for whatever may be showing up for you that day. In the morning you may need some gentle reviving with a bit of matcha, in the afternoon an energetic pick-me-up with exercise and some turmeric, or some calm and ease to drift you off into sleep with Night Time Tea. Pukka’s Day-to-Night Collection has you covered.
7am – Jump start your day with Matcha
Most of us need a much-anticipated mug of something to ease us into the day, but don’t want the extra jitters that come with too much caffeine.
To jump-start your day, reach for Supreme Matcha Green, our favorite tea for early mornings. A gentle, low caffeine tea that gently revives your senses and wakes up your mind in the morning or afternoon. Containing pure emerald Matcha powder, our magical super-ingredient blended matcha contains four fairly-traded whole leaf green teas: Sencha green, Pin Ho wild jade, Indian green, and Matcha emerald.
Interestingly, both matcha and green tea contain L-theanine which helps balance the caffeine in this blend, providing a sustained energy release compared with both coffee and black tea.
It’s the perfect brew for our over-stimulated busy world. Ideal if you’re looking for that morning boost of energy without the crash.
1pm - Revitalise your afternoon
The hour after lunch can often be a sleepy one. Our Revitalise blend contains fragrant spices to give you an energising lift and help prevent that mid-afternoon energy dip.
Ginger warms the digestive system and along with cinnamon and cardamom, this refreshing caffeine-free tea blend gently stimulates the body and mind.
Additionally, cinnamon adds sweetness to the blend, meaning Revitalise is the perfect substitute for tempting afternoon sugary snacks.
4pm - Get Up & Get Moving
Daily exercise is so essential for our overall wellbeing and mental health. Mid-afternoon, get outside for a brisk walk or jog, an invigorating yoga flow or a gym session to encourage your circulation and improve mental wellbeing. Enjoy a cup of warm or iced Turmeric Active tea afterwards to support your body’s recovery with a blend of warming and invigorating anti-inflammatory herbs and spices for a golden treat.
7pm – To naturally aid after-dinner digestion
Complete your evening meal with After Dinner - a deliciously aromatic full-bodied blend brimming with herbs specifically designed to support optimal digestive functioning.
Chicory, aniseed and fennel all gently stimulate and support the digestive system. This is the perfect solution for calming the digestion after a little over-indulgence and is an ideal caffeine-free alternative to an after-dinner coffee. A great tea to drink in the evenings.
9pm – To help you relax and unwind before bed
As you unwind before bed-time, a cup of Night Time tea around 9pm offers a sweet and soothing blend to encourage a blissfully restful sleep.
Valerian's calming effect is a great comfort to people struggling with everything from sleep and insomnia to nervous anxiousness. The addition of lavender flowers soothes, calms and reduces the stresses from the day. Oat tops nourish your nervous system over time, leaving you feeling refreshed and vital the next morning.
From dawn 'til dusk
Keep our Herbal Day-to-Night Collection close by to give you continued support all day, any day.