Wildly In Love Gin Cocktail
- 1 person
- 1 hours
Pukka is proud to be FairWild certified. This certification is about protecting wild plant species and the beauty of their natural habitats. To celebrate, here is a specially concocted cocktail by our founder Seb, to celebrate wild plants and harvesting them fairly. With FairWild gin and our Pukka Love Tea, which contains FairWild certified elderflower, licorice and limeflower, you will soon feel Wildly In Love.
What you need:
2 Pukka Love tea bags
100 ml water
30 ml gin (we use organic and FairWild Juniper Green gin)
prosecco or tonic water
edible rose petals (optional)

What you do
Cover 2 bags of Pukka Love tea with 100ml water for an hour
Strain and leave the Love essence to cool in the fridge
Add 50ml Love essence to each glass
Add 1 serving gin
Top up with some prosecco (or tonic water)
Garnish with a rose petal (optional)
Sip to become Wildly in Love